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© Duct Tape & Rouge, 2006. Issue Three. All Rights Reserved. This has been printed in the southwest corner of the United States of America, with a combination of Microsoft Word formatting, photocopy machines and, depending on availability and cheapness, either staples or some fancier glue-fastening material. The final ingredient (besides love, of course) is a healthy mixture of sweat, blood, tears, and most importantly, vaginal and seminal fluids. The fluids were accidental. Sometimes people get excited. Stop judging us.

The Editors, placed in the following order not because of lazy alphabetizing, but by who has the more protruding genitals, are: RICK PAULAS & TARA RUBANO. We’ve included the following picture to help:

The Editors, under more strenuous circumstances.
Tara on the left, Rick on the right.

One more thing: This issue is a little different. We’ve decided to ease our editorial control a bit, discarding the sporadic footnotes and alternate titles that have been a staple of this literary entity since its inception, which is to say, for our first two issues. While part of the reason is receiving negative feedback in the form of thinly-veiled hints that our controlling nature was an overcompensation for small genitals, the real reason for doing so is general laziness.

The other change – the larger and more exciting one – is replacing the random Google™ found images with actual images, drawn by real people in glorious MS Paint. As a rule, if the drawing is fantastic – like the one above – it’s the work of the heavily-mohawked Matt Dorsey. (He also drew the images that lead off mostly every article.) On the other hand, if you’re looking at a drawing that sucks – usually found in the article’s body – it’s the work of one of the editors. We chose not to divide that credit, since neither of us really wants it.

That’s all. We like this issue and think you’ll want to fuck it, but reconsider when you contemplate the possibility of getting paper cuts in very sensitive areas. As always, feel free to send your articles, artwork, feeding tubes, PIN numbers, marriage proposals, divorce papers, photocopies of your nipples, and negative pregnancy tests to

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And now, without further adieu.....